Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Cake, City 17 And Black Mesa

Half Life 2 and Portal References, are quite good aren't they?
I have finally bought myself an Android Phone, It is quite good, yet the touch screen can sometimes be a bit unresponsive..

And Dot Dot Wars, is moving along good... Particle effects have been done, as in when you get shot red particle effects appear on the screen to represent all the other 'dots' killed, and when you die the screen fades out into a red blood (Note: Not too graphic) and then you respawn... But there will only be a certain amount of lives, like three? But of course you can upgrade how many lives you have!

And finally, I am going to be posting a new blog post with the website link! Which also has a link to this blog...


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Post, In A While.

Well, News Time:

*Website Redesign, much more basic, but effective, and done with the new logo.

*A top secret project is being worked on, but DDW, is still being worked on... the top secret project is being worked on by Matt.

And, well, in all honest opinion that is all for news.

Wait! I knew I forgot something, 7th Of May 2011. Dot Dot Wars, Pre-Alpha :D, everybody should (hopefully) be excited!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Release Date For Alpha Version Of Dot Dot Wars

Now, I am going to be honest, I should of posted this blog post when the release date was first decided.

May The 7th, 2011.

Yes, that is when the Alpha version of Dot Dot Wars, is being released to the public...

And in other news, I am finally going to play Half-Life 2, for the first time in my life.

Note: The Alpha version release date may be pushed forward by one day, or delayed by a few days.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Cake Is A Lie, While We Are Still Alive!

You may be asking why am I using Portal references all the time?

Simple, Portal 2 is coming out in April and I am very excited... Yet, there is one thing I am sad about.. Portal 2 cannot run on my laptop.. >_>

In Magic Productions News:

Nothing much, just some new member, who is another programmer...


Wait, I am joking right? I should give him a better introduction.

His Name is Matt, he has been programming and composing for two years and is very talented in both fields of work.

He is working as a Programmer, on Magic Productions, and he is making good progress with the main menu so far!


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Progress Is being made.

That is on the main menu.

Precision, Stuff and wait, more stuff?

Today's update is quite a quick one... Though that is subject to change.

We have gotten precision working for the aiming! Now, I won't be going to go into the technical terms of it, due to the fact that some people just play games and don't pay attention to how they work. But, what it means in simple language is this... You will be able to aim better maybe a little to the side and so on.

The Game does have 360 Degrees shooting so that won't affect it that much, right?


Friday, March 25, 2011

Hi, How Are You? Good? The Cake Is A Lie.

Portal 2.

Nuff' Said.


But, no that is not the post today, today progress is being made...

The (WIP) Engine, is going good, it is still a big buggy, wait that is top secret!

Screenshots? I can say for a 2D Top Down Shooter/RPG Game, it is looking quite good, even if the game does not be the success that we want it to be, we do hope if does become a cult classic, we will be offering fan service.

In other news, you may be seeing a new logo... which is much easier to read, and you may be hearing the first piece of music, sometime in the near future.