Friday, March 25, 2011

Hi, How Are You? Good? The Cake Is A Lie.

Portal 2.

Nuff' Said.


But, no that is not the post today, today progress is being made...

The (WIP) Engine, is going good, it is still a big buggy, wait that is top secret!

Screenshots? I can say for a 2D Top Down Shooter/RPG Game, it is looking quite good, even if the game does not be the success that we want it to be, we do hope if does become a cult classic, we will be offering fan service.

In other news, you may be seeing a new logo... which is much easier to read, and you may be hearing the first piece of music, sometime in the near future.


  1. Spelling Error...

    In Line 5...

    The Word Big, is meant to be But.

    Sorry for any trouble caused.


  2. Shouldn't it be "bit?" "...still a bit buggy..." as opposed to "still a but buggy."

  3. Oh, My mistake.

    Thanks for pointing that mistake out Matt, I am always looking for somebody to correct any spelling or grammar mistake I make.
